So by now you have herd these were being released today and you seen pictures of em..Well i didn't have the $175 for em but i went out to just experience the hype on em. Well first at midnight we stopped at Akin, they had a real dope set(black light,real space theme)but we got their too late the sizes my boy's were looking for were long gone..so we headed out to Succezz and peep'd up their release since they had a midnight as well(MikeyRocks from the Cool Kids was in the building) i wonder what happen to him and rocking skinny jeans..but we were not looking to pay more than retail..so we call it a night and we woke up at 5 AM and headed out to the mall which was chill for 3o min..till an hour later more people showed up so i stood outside in the Chicago cold with the crowd snapped some flicks and then everyone got their shoes...nice people tho..