I tired to make the colorways very unique and pretty crazy at the same time..
My main focus was to make something very dope..Yup hopefully one day i design colorways for nike you'll see some ill shit drop.

Everyone by know must have seen em already, but no attention has been brought up to em..Real slick blazers which would be on my feet(orange colorway)..People don't sleep on em...

This shoe has released at an SB shop already..I Do Not know when its going to be available everywhere but give your skateshop a call and ask for em..
Retail should be around $100..
Grab em now @ FC for $120..
Click Here-BLD
Okay have to speak this shit out..Why do people think that Flight Club prices are how much your shoes are worth..NO PEOPLE ITS NOT!! The prices you see in the site is how much the seller is tryng to get, also since 20% goes to the shop since its consignment plan, that's the main reason they have to set their prices at such a high rate..So don't blame FC for the prices blame the seller's.. Ex. I seen Mork & Mindy SB Dunk Highs & Dino Jr Dunk Highs for like $400 a pair wtf!! Dood these shoes are not worth more than $200 a pop..Which thanks to the hype and this price settle ment..Now ever site or place tryng to sell the two shoes are tryng to pull 400 bills for em each..Which shit is outrageous..
So next time you look in FC and think your shoes are worth this much..
Do a bit of more a research for a legit price for em..
Hahaha man this guy been up on all the hyped up new releases (sneakerwise)..
Mainly on SB's..Can't hate the man he got money.
Marge Simpson SB Dunk High (UK Release for now)

VI Carmines


Levis x Jays

Trickstar Blazers

Very clean colorway as you guys can see..
Not much info is know when it will be available..
Will keep you guys updated!
Well I just recived an e-mail from a Mexico SB account and they just got in the Nike SB Dunk Shoe Goo, which they said was their QS of the month..Guess this might be the US QS as well..From all the rummors saying that the Tokyo Mids might be QS as well, all we know time will tell..But is been confirmed that the Shoe Goo's will be QS..
So thats whats up people...
A every dull looking dunk releasing 2009..
Not much info is known at the moment but this is all we have of the shoe..
The nicknamed Tokyo Dunk Mid are going to release this month later on this month around the 15th week. They are inspired from the extremely limited Tokyo Dunk Low. Retail is going to be $85..
So today me and my boy B.Face aka Daniel hit up the Lollapalooza event popping today to hear Kanye perform..Well we got there around 2 in the after noon..Shit was way too hot, we left and took a trip to N.Milwaukee to go check up Uprise,STA,Urban Outfitters & 7-11 right by Leaders..We headed back to the event(btw we didnt have tickets so we were hearing the event like poor people hahaha)..We walked around found a good view by the main stage, you could see a stage screen perfect were we sitting at..Shit was great..We seen Gnarls Barkley perform and Kanye West..Mr.West closed the event btw he killed the show, shit was mad dope...Afterwards it looked like the Chi was fulled with humans all over the city streets and shit..A night to remember..Thanks to Kanye.
Waiting for the train

Pieace of Art from our trip to N.Milwaukee

Blurry Screen Shot

So i just got an e-mail from shelter about a new P.Rod II High its black/brown colorway..Kind of look like some Paul Browns..Very nice look from what we can see.
The shoes are only available in Mexico at the time..When i get a US release date ill get at you guys..

Pictures of Jordan Converse shoes have floated around the internet for quite some time and it’s still uncertain if those will ever be released but now we have some pictures of what is rumored to be the third shoe in the original Defining Moments Package that ended up only including the Jordan VI and XI. The third shoe from that pack was supposed to be this Converse basketball shoe similar to the one that MJ wore when he made “the shot” against Georgetown in the 1982 NCAA Finals when he was only a Freshman. It turns out these ended up getting scrapped from the DMP and now the only place you might be able to find a pair of samples is ebay.

“How many kids know of the Pigeon Dunk but have never actually seen them with their own two eyes?…”
The almost mythical pigeon derived from the minds over at Staple Design is set for a comeback, three years after its Nike SB Dunk Low’s release sparked wide-spread chaos and panic amidst the streets of New York. This time around, jeffstaple and crew look to New Balance’s trail runner the 575 as the cornerstone of their latest sneaker inspiration. In an in-depth interview with Sneaker Freaker, some pressing issues are featured including what reactions are expected out of the Nike camp as well as jeffstaple’s reasoning behind reliving some a historic shoe which he mentions changed the face of the sneaker world. For the shoe itself, the color placement is actually quite similar to the original SB Dunk including the pigeon-foot orange seen on the lining and sole. Also seen is a new embroidery on the heel featuring a flying pigeon to go alongside the original standing pigeon. Following up on Staple Design’s recent involvement with Lomo, a Pigeon-colored Lomo camera will also release. Singapore has already announced an August 6th release at Leftfoot Singapore and Le Vault.

Do You Believe La Dream...I DO!